How to bring in your reno under budget.

No 1. - Trade Quality Tools

Use Trade Quality Tools. Yes, I know they’re expensive, but they are expensive for a reason. (see no. 2 for a more affordable solution)

Trade Quality Tools are built to work faster, harder and safer, with less operating hassles and less dramas overall. Once you’ve used Trade Quality, I promise you will never, ever, go back to the cheap brands.

You know the ones. The cheapie’s that are built cheap and nasty so that you feel “ok” about buying them, and you convince yourself that it’s ok to just “go buy another one” when it stops working. WRONG!! There are so many things wrong with this way of thinking … First of all, your hard earned cash gets used up on ‘throw-away’ products (we’re taught to think that’s ok), and secondly, consider what you’re contributing to land-fill. Every. Single. Time.

No. 2 - Don’t buy, Hire

Hire Trade Quality Tools. Especially the ones that you might only use for a day or two, every other year. For example: a heavy duty Rotary Hammer Drill to put a hole in a brick wall or remove stubborn tiles or pavers faster than you can say “why haven’t I tried this before?” ; or a sliding drop saw with table that is the most efficient and productive thing you’ve ever seen. Other tools you might hire, a drill set (drill and impact driver) when you need to pre-drill holes for screws - trust me, it’s easier than changing the drill bits every. 2nd. time… or maybe a chainsaw to cut down those annoying branches blocking your view.

Need more reasons to hire instead of buy? see our blog “Benefits of hiring over buying

No. 3 - Delivered.

Delivered. Save your time for the work, and we will deliver your equipment with no additional cost. Read that again. No additional cost. For now, this is our current delivery region, but we are expanding all the time. AND … Smart Tool Hire’s free customer handover in the comfort of your own home includes basic training so you can feel confident and safe while operating the equipment.

The tools & equipment you hire will be delivered to your door between 3 and 5pm, and collected around the same time the next day or whenever your hire period ends. But if you need to extend the rental term, call us on 1300 80 86 55 or do it online.

There … doesn’t it feel easier already??

Any questions please don’t hesitate to call on 1300 80 86 55 or send us a message here.


What to do when you’ve run out of motivation.


Benefits of hiring over buying…